CSIR-CSIO Chandigarh hosts Indo-German Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Sustainable Energy & Mobility Systems

Prof. Shantanu Bhattacharya, Director, CSIR-CSIO, inaugurated a three-day Indo-German Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Sustainable Energy & Mobility Systems today at the CSIR-CSIO campus in Chandigarh on Feb 21, 2024. The workshop, coordinated by Dr. Satish Kumar, Chief Scientist at CSIR-CSIO and Dr. Marco Pruckner, University of Würzburg from the Indian and German sides respectively, aims to establish a collaborative platform for exploring the application of computational intelligence techniques in sustainable energy and mobility systems.
The event brings together researchers, practitioners, and industry experts from India and Germany to facilitate knowledge sharing, promote collaboration, and advance innovation in the crucial domains of sustainable energy and mobility. Prof. Bhattacharya welcomed participants from both countries, emphasizing India's commitment to energy self-reliance and the transformation of the mobility sector through initiatives like the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020.
Addressing the challenges faced in the sustainable energy and mobility sectors, Prof. Bhattacharya acknowledged the need for sustained electric vehicle (EV) demand and adapting the industry's value chain. In the context of the transformation of the Indian mobility sector, he highlighted Niti Aayog's 3C framework: Make mobility Clean, Convenient, and Congestion-free.
The workshop, coordinated by Dr. Satish Kumar and Dr. Marco Pruckner, focuses on creating a collaborative environment to explore the potential of computational intelligence techniques. It seeks to foster partnerships between academia, research institutions, and industry players to address the complex challenges in sustainable energy and mobility.
CSIR-CSIO aims to take a lead in e-mobility and sustainable energy solutions, aspiring for national and global recognition in this crucial domain. The workshop aligns with CSIR-CSIO's commitment to driving innovation and fostering collaboration to create impactful solutions for a sustainable future.


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